We are proud to hear from our students on their work placements. 

Click below to hear from some of our work placement students and employers from a variety of different backgrounds, job sectors and industries. We also have a selection of student and employer success stories, including the benefits of work placements.

Robert Wright

Eric Wright Construction

Robert Wright discusses his experience on placement at Eric Wright Construction. As an award-winning leader in the UK property and construction industry, The Eric Wright Group demonstrates a culture of excellence in civil engineering, construction, facilities management, property development, property management and partnerships that ensures long term relationships with our partners and clients.


Luca Cunliffe

Element Material Technologies

Element is a leading global provider of Testing, Inspection, and Certification services on a wide range of products, materials, processes and products for a diverse set of end markets, where failure in service is simply not an option. Element’s scientists, engineers, and technologists, working in a global network of over 200 laboratories, support customers through complex regulatory approvals and into production ensuring that their products, materials, processes, and services are safe, compliant, and fit for purpose.


Edward Whittle

Kestrel Windows

A family owned business, Kestrel Windows has been trading for over 30 years serving all types of building and installer businesses, covering the whole of the North, the Midlands and Wales. Starting in the 80s, they quickly grew to be a reputable company and have since sold thousands of windows and doors in hundreds of styles and finishes. 


Hannah Deacon

Lyndhurst Precision

Over the past 30 years they have worked with everyone from small businesses to multinational corporations and governments, to deliver a comprehensive service and commitment to delivering quality and value for money. Their end-to-end service covers everything from one-off bespoke tools to life saving medical machinery. As a result, they have built a diverse team of world-class designers and engineers that adapt to meet any challenge.


Kayne Hampson

Hitachi Automotive

From launching their first manufacturing facility in the UK in the mid-1990s, Hitachi Astemo now provides solutions for customers all across Europe. In recent years, they have integrated braking and software engineering companies to further bolster their product offering. 


Sean Patterson & Marty Butterworth

Lancashire County Council

We partner with LCC to provide work placement opportunities for our students. Hear from Sean and Marty on how a placement has helped them ready for their next steps.


Keira Collier

GA Pet Foods

GA Pet Foods delivers the world’s finest pet food, providing private label pet food opportunities for partners across the globe.


Rish Patel

True Bearing

Established in 2003, True Bearing is a Chartered financial planning firm with a track record of real success. They provide tailored financial planning services on pensions, investments, financial protection, inheritance tax planning and much more, working with more than 7,000 individuals and business clients throughout the North West and the UK.


Saira Khan

Sanderson Watts Associates

Sanderson Watts Associates is a Civil and Structural engineering consultancy of highly talented individuals who are passionate about engineering. With over 35 years in industry, they have a proven track record in successfully delivering cutting-edge design solutions for a wide range of valued Clients across multiple business sectors.


What our Employers Say

Do you feel as though your company has benefited from having a student with you on an Industry Placement?

Employer Logos for website-09-17-19

“Definitely, young people are perfect for the type of work we do that involves a lot of technology as they have an intuitive understanding of technology and the way it works. We recommend these placements, especially if a business involves technology/ software for the above reasons. We could potentially benefit from bringing staff into the company after they have finished college. They gain an understanding of how the workplace operates and can gain useful work-related skills very quickly. These placements are very important, we would be reluctant to employ someone who had no workplace experience whatsoever”.

Sharples Davies Logo

“I feel our student has made a positive impact in her time in the business, she has helped take some of the roles away from other team members which has allowed them to be more productive. If you have a placement student with the attitude, personality and work ethic like ours then I would recommend other employers to take a placement on. There has to be a plan in place to keep the person interested and invested. Variety is important to the role.  Having the right employer and placement match is fundamental. For our specific placement I would have no hesitation to offering a full time role upon completion of her college course. I would support her decision to continue her studies but equally I would happily have her in my business as a full time employee. In our recruitment business, the main thing that is important is work ethic, personality and a good ability to communicate. I am really looking as an employer to see – can I mould and train that person?”. 

Employer Logos for website-09-17-23

“It’s great to be able to have a student and see whether they would fit into the full-time role of an apprentice. We would highly recommend student placements, it gives a good insight into what skills they pick up from college courses. It’s also good to bring on board young students and show them how an industry works and whether it would be something they want to pursue a career in in the future. It’s excellent to have on a CV as it shows they are experienced in the job and can provide a reference”.

Employer Logos for website-09-17-24

“Having a work placement has allowed the more Senior Engineers to develop themselves in a mentor role to further themselves. It’s been highly enjoyable for the entire team to not only develop but also inspire a potential future engineer. The placements for Unifrax as a whole align strongly with our core values, growing potential full time staff pre-apprenticeship. While not critical, the experience within an industrial environment will provide an advantage when seeking an apprenticeship in the future. It also allows the individual to develop their interpersonal skills within this environment rather than a purely academic route”.

Westmach Engineering Logo

“The placement has been mutually beneficial with a lot of assistance with workload and technical knowledge passed on. Highly recommended as it adds significant alternative dimensions to the working life”.

  • Antonia Sharples - Business

    Antonia Sharples Photo

    Level 3 BTEC Business

    Sharples Davies Recruitment

    Role Description and Responsibilities

    Throughout my work placement role at Sharples Davies, I have had to format multiple CVs and upload them on to the system so that people can be considered for certain job roles; created job adverts to put on the Sharples Davies website so that people are able to find jobs and apply via the website. I have also created summarised job adverts on PowerPoint so that they can be posted on LinkedIn. I have spoken on the phone about handling jobs and have ran the jobs past the suited people. Furthermore, I have looked on the job boards online to try and find more people who we can run the job past and see if they were interested in applying for it.

    Additionally, I was shown the accounting side of the company and what to do and how they handle the money within the business, all their inflows and outflows. Finally, I helped with the excel spreadsheet for Chorley Juniors Football Club. This means that throughout my time at Sharples Davies I have used both Microsoft Word and Excel and developed my skills on them both.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    I have developed my numeracy and IT skills because I have had to use the computer a lot of the time and use the system to add more candidates to it. I have also had to use Microsoft Word and Excel in some cases which have made me more confident on these programmes.

    I have developed my communication and interpersonal skills as I have had to speak to many people over the phone about different jobs. This has helped me to work on getting my point across faster so that I have been able to move on to the next person quickly.

    I have developed my ability to learn and adapt because I have learnt a lot of new things. For example, using different computer programmes, and learning new skills such as being more confident to speak over the phone.

     Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    The time in which I have spent on my industry placement has made me consider going into recruitment in the future as I do find it rather interesting. However, I am not going to write off any other jobs at the moment as I still want to be open for other opportunities and explore them to see whether anything else interests me more.

     Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    I would definitely recommend an industry placement to other students because it has really helped me to gain more experience within the business sector. It is always good to have something extra on your CV which will make you stand out from other people, and by having an industry placement which is involved within the area of work you want to go into, it will help you gain more experience and knowledge so it will help you more in the future.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    What I enjoyed most about my industry placement was that I was thrown into the deep end. I had researched about recruitment and what it was, however, I had not very much knowledge and no experience in it at all. The way in which I was thrown in at the deep end made me get on with it and know how to deal with different situations quickly. It made me adapt to new circumstances and made me think outside of the box. Some parts throughout my placement were challenging at first as I had never done them before but the more I did it, for example, ringing up candidates, the easier it became for me.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Rewarding: It gave me valuable experience within the recruitment industry so now I know what it is like if I would like to go into this industry in the future.

    Interesting: I found out new things and learned how to use different programmes online. I also know what to look for in CVs which will help me to improve mine.

    Valuable: It was valuable because with the placement being within the recruitment industry, it has exposed me to many peoples’ CVs. This has meant that I have been able to look at and know what should be on a CV and what makes you stand out from other people.

     Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?

    I have gained both voluntary and paid employment from my industry placement. I have also gained prospects of future employment from my industry placement as they have offered for me to work through the summer if I want to. Also, they said if the business is in a good place when I finish college, I could possibly get a job here and if I wanted to go to university, the offer would still stand after that if I wanted to work in recruitment.

  • Archie Price - Engineering

    Archie Price Photo

    Level 3 BTEC in Engineering

    SEP Ltd

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    Workshop assistant, assisting technicians with the calibration of equipment.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    Teamworking skills- working as part of a big team in the workshop

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes. I would enjoy being a site manager when I’m older and I will be taking up the apprenticeship offer to be a junior surveyor with SEP Ltd.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    Yes because you have a better understanding of the workplace and get an image of what you want to do in the future.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    Working as part of a team and gaining an understanding of construction sites.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Enjoyable, Interesting and Busy!

    Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?

    Yes I have been offered an apprenticeship and have worked extra during the holidays for pay.

  • Freddie Holt-Gregson - Engineering

    Level 3 BTEC in Engineering

    AE Yates

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    Whilst on placement my role varied from day to day, some days were spent setting out and using levels to work out how deep something must be dug and others were spent checking whatever it was, for example kerbs, were put in correctly and that flags had the correct fall on them to allow for drainage.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    Problem solving, numeracy skills and teamwork skills. I have wrapped my head round new concepts such as levels and applied GCSE level maths to the everyday work that was undergone. I also worked as part of a team to solve problems and get the job done to a highly accurate level and due to this have improved in these areas.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes, it has enabled me to realise that whilst I have enjoyed my time on placement and gained valuable experience, I do not think that the civil industry is for me, and I would prefer a career in the mechanical engineering field instead.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    Yes defiantly, not only is it something to bulk up your CV and stand out over other applicants when applying for university or apprenticeships but it also allowed me to begin networking and learn and improve on numerous skills that I will carry forwards with me. I have gained experiences of which I will be able to talk about in interviews next year and enjoyed completing the placement altogether as it gave me an insight as to what life will be like after college in the real world.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    I enjoyed mixing with people of all backgrounds and listening in on meetings between subcontractors and A E Yates to discuss the work due to take place. There were also various hurdles on the job which we came across and had to find ways around them, I enjoyed this problem-solving aspect of the job as everyday there was a new challenge.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Interesting, exciting, educational!

    Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?

    No, however the experience will have a large impact on helping bulk up my CV and making me stand out against other candidates.

  • Georgia Chester - Business

    Georgia Chester Photo

    Fanatics International Ltd

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    – Organisational Skills- I have had to work around things such as meetings and having deadlines for things such a project so I have been able to develop my organisational skills

    – Communication skills- I have been able to develop my communication skills as I have been invited to things such as meetings and discussing project with my mentors. This has been super helpful as it means I will be able to take these skills into my future job.

    – Teamwork- My teamwork skills have improved as I have been able to work with a bunch of different people within the office and have had to work with them on a daily basis.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes it has partly as I already had an idea that I wanted to do Marketing and by being able to work with marketeers within the business, I have been able to be sure that this is something I want to progress onto in University and for my future career.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    Yes, I think doing an industry placement allows you to experience new things and gets you out of the bubble that you are in when in education. It allows you to see the real world and how things work whilst also helping you decide what you would like and not like in a career.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    The thing I enjoyed the most was being able to work with such helpful people. Everyone really took me under their wing and gave me interesting project in which I would not get bored doing and was things I was interesting In. I enjoyed being able to learn new things in marketing and getting an understanding of what can be expected from you in this kind of job.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Interesting, Helpful, Important!

    Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?

    After the original placement, I have been offered to do some paid, part time work a few days a week when possible most likely down in the warehouse.

  • Hannah Deacon - Engineering

    Level 3 BTEC in Engineering

    Lyndhurst Engineering

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    Mainly fitting roles, but also CNC machining, air power, manual tools, painting, inspection, packaging, bandsaws and pillar drills.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    Communication skills, working as a team, organisation and using computer software packages.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes, I enjoyed the fitting the most so hope to go down that career path. I have also tried out other job roles to see if I enjoy them too and would consider it as a career.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    Definitely, as you are able to gain a clear view of what jobs you may apply for are like and are able to see if you like them. You can also check out what you are wanting to do as a possible career. They also show employers that you are ready and willing to work and understand how equipment works.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    I enjoyed being able to gain new skills and work in a practical based environment with items and huge complex machinery. Everyday I learned a new skill/technique I could use in the future.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Hands-on, Challenging, Rewarding!

    Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?

    I did not gain any paid employment, however the placement expanded my knowledge of engineering and it gave me the experience which will help me in the future to gain a job.

  • Josh Corless - Engineering

    Josh Corless Photo

    Level 3 BTEC in Engineering

    Tyrers Coaches

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    Mechanic, I help with vehicle inspections to make sure they are safe and running well before going out onto the road.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    I have developed my organisational skills such as knowing what tools to use and wearing the correct PPE.
    Working under pressure and to deadlines such as having a certain amount of time to finish something.
    And Teamwork skills such as working with a colleague to get a job done quicker.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes as I feel as though I have learnt a lot and gained experience in the workplace, it has also opened my eyes to all the different types of engineering and how I want to try different ones such as aeronautical and electrical.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    I would recommend it because of the knowledge I have gained and how I have discovered various skills that I have and being able to use them in the workplace.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    The thing I enjoyed most about my industry placement was probably being able to work on engines and gearboxes which is very interesting.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Interesting, funny and educational!

  • Josh Thornhill Parkinson - Engineering

    Level 3 BTEC in Engineering

    PD Optics

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    Although my work experience was at an optics company it was not limited to the optical industry. I was taught the fabrication of different prescription lenses for certain customers, however I also did so much more. I diagnosed and repaired multiple vehicles whether the problems were mechanical or electrical.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    The 2 key skills I worked on throughout the placement would have been using initiative and being self-motivated and problem-solving skills. Throughout placement I was regularly left to my own devices and had to use my initiative to work out the next stage in the fabrication process. If I encountered a problem, I used my initiative and problem solving skills to solve the issue.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    My time on placement covered a vast majority of engineering topics so it would be difficult to say whether my experience had an impact on my career choices. However, the topics I did cover such as mechanical engineering is more of a hobby and I don’t want to enter a career and risk ruining something I enjoy doing in my spare time.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    I would recommend industry placements to other students. This is because it gives you an idea of what it would be like in a working environment. It will help better prepare you for the working world once you leave college. It will also help you develop skills which you can use for the rest of your career.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    What I enjoyed the most about the placement was learning. I enjoyed discovering how things work and once you know how things work it makes it easier to diagnose a problem and fix it.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Educational, enjoyable, skilful!

    Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?

    Yes I have gained continued employment at PD Optics throughout the remainder of my college course until I start working full time.

  • Keira Collier - Business

    Level 3 BTEC in Business

    GA Pet Food Partners

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    My role has consisted of supporting the training team by helping to update online learning systems, communicating with external companies to book training courses, updating and organising specific files with a new system to help make work more efficient, updating training matrixes to keep track of courses that staff members have completed, helping review and give feedback on a new company induction, reviewing training videos and making notes to help make it easier for employees and then convert it to online learning.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    I have improved my numeracy and IT skills by working on lots of forums like Microsoft excel spreadsheets which are vital to keeping track of the training department and the specific courses that employees have completed.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    The time I have spent on my industry placement has helped me to see the inner workings of a company and how I enjoy a corporate setting which is vital ion choosing my future career, it has also given me a good insight into office life and conduct within a large global business.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    I would recommend an industry placement as it helps students to develop skills that are vital within the working world and will help to set them apart from other candidates when going for jobs/ interviews. It also helps the student to develop a sense of responsibility as the work they complete on their placement will contribute to the business, which helps students to mature and gain confidence due to the experience they would now possess.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    I have enjoyed meeting new people within a company and truly seeing how businesses run from day to day, it has also been good to see any challenges that have been faced at my time during the placement and how they are approached, I have thrived whilst part of a team and taking on important responsibilities.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Challenging, engaging and rewarding!

  • Luke Yeoman - Engineering

    Luke Yeoman Photo

    Level 3 BETEC in Engineering

    Westmach Engineering

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    Engineers assistant, helping Jack with tasks and problems. Maintaining machines, keeping the workshop tidy and working on the machines.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    Teamwork, working under pressure and to deadlines, using own initiative and being self-motivated, problem-solving skills, organisational and communication skills.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes, I would like to go on an apprenticeship with Westmach.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    Yes because it helps you understand what you want to do later in life and what area of work you want to enter.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    Working closely with my boss and being taught new skills. Also going on site and being involved in real world engineering.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Exciting, inspirational and enjoyable!

    Q6. Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?

    Yes – I have since been offered an apprenticeship.

  • Owen Bailey - IT & Computing

    Level 3 BTEC in ICT & Computing

    Bolton Hospital NHS Trust

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    I assist engineers and the service day in the day to day running of the IT department, such as distributing new equipment, resolving outstanding IT issues, such as broken hardware and fixing software problems.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    I have developed my problem solving skills the most on work experience, from fixing hardware when I am out and solving this by myself without help from professionals.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes, I know that I want to work in Information technology related field when I am older.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    Yes, it gives good experience so you can see whether this is the type of industry you would like to work in when you are older and gain experience to help you get a job.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    I most enjoyed learning new skills.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Useful, learning and fun!

  • Owen Brown - Engineering

    Owen Brown photo

    Level 3 BTEC in Engineering

    S Lowe Commercials

    Role Description and Responsibilities:

    Mechanics Assistant—Various mechanical task and activities.

    Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?  

    Ability to Learn and Adapt – I have learnt a great deal of new skills and techniques related to vehicle maintenance and repairs. I have used heat or sockets to remove fault of rusty screws/bolts. I have also learnt how to repair various things like Starter motor, alternator, drive shaft, wishbone and a wheel bearing.

    Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?

    Yes, the placement has given me a bit more information to help me to decide what I want to do in the future in relation to my possible career path.

    Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students? 

    Yes, it give you plenty of experience of work and also allows you to put have information that you can add to your CV to help with applications in the future. Also it will help you to possibly gain other opportunities through networking with colleagues.

    What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?

    Developing relationships with colleagues in the work place.

    Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?

    Educational, intriguing, fun!