Level 3 BTEC Business
Sharples Davies Recruitment
Role Description and Responsibilities
Throughout my work placement role at Sharples Davies, I have had to format multiple CVs and upload them on to the system so that people can be considered for certain job roles; created job adverts to put on the Sharples Davies website so that people are able to find jobs and apply via the website. I have also created summarised job adverts on PowerPoint so that they can be posted on LinkedIn. I have spoken on the phone about handling jobs and have ran the jobs past the suited people. Furthermore, I have looked on the job boards online to try and find more people who we can run the job past and see if they were interested in applying for it.
Additionally, I was shown the accounting side of the company and what to do and how they handle the money within the business, all their inflows and outflows. Finally, I helped with the excel spreadsheet for Chorley Juniors Football Club. This means that throughout my time at Sharples Davies I have used both Microsoft Word and Excel and developed my skills on them both.
Which TOP 10 Employability skills have you developed whilst on your Industry Placement?
I have developed my numeracy and IT skills because I have had to use the computer a lot of the time and use the system to add more candidates to it. I have also had to use Microsoft Word and Excel in some cases which have made me more confident on these programmes.
I have developed my communication and interpersonal skills as I have had to speak to many people over the phone about different jobs. This has helped me to work on getting my point across faster so that I have been able to move on to the next person quickly.
I have developed my ability to learn and adapt because I have learnt a lot of new things. For example, using different computer programmes, and learning new skills such as being more confident to speak over the phone.
Has the time you spent on your industry placement helped you to decide on your future career choices?
The time in which I have spent on my industry placement has made me consider going into recruitment in the future as I do find it rather interesting. However, I am not going to write off any other jobs at the moment as I still want to be open for other opportunities and explore them to see whether anything else interests me more.
Would you recommend an Industry Placement to other students?
I would definitely recommend an industry placement to other students because it has really helped me to gain more experience within the business sector. It is always good to have something extra on your CV which will make you stand out from other people, and by having an industry placement which is involved within the area of work you want to go into, it will help you gain more experience and knowledge so it will help you more in the future.
What did you enjoy most about your Industry Placement?
What I enjoyed most about my industry placement was that I was thrown into the deep end. I had researched about recruitment and what it was, however, I had not very much knowledge and no experience in it at all. The way in which I was thrown in at the deep end made me get on with it and know how to deal with different situations quickly. It made me adapt to new circumstances and made me think outside of the box. Some parts throughout my placement were challenging at first as I had never done them before but the more I did it, for example, ringing up candidates, the easier it became for me.
Which three words would you use to sum up your Industry Placement?
Rewarding: It gave me valuable experience within the recruitment industry so now I know what it is like if I would like to go into this industry in the future.
Interesting: I found out new things and learned how to use different programmes online. I also know what to look for in CVs which will help me to improve mine.
Valuable: It was valuable because with the placement being within the recruitment industry, it has exposed me to many peoples’ CVs. This has meant that I have been able to look at and know what should be on a CV and what makes you stand out from other people.
Have you gained any voluntary or paid employment or prospects of future employment from your Industry Placement?
I have gained both voluntary and paid employment from my industry placement. I have also gained prospects of future employment from my industry placement as they have offered for me to work through the summer if I want to. Also, they said if the business is in a good place when I finish college, I could possibly get a job here and if I wanted to go to university, the offer would still stand after that if I wanted to work in recruitment.