On the last week of term our wonderful A Level Politics students went on a trip out to County Hall, the home of Lancashire County Council.

Our students met with some councillors and officers (employees) of the council and held a mass debate of their own in the chamber. Their tour guide for the day, Josh, showed them around the wonderful building and used his expert knowledge to share some facts and trivia, taking them to the debating chamber where all the big county level conversations and votes happen, where an extremely informative talk on the nature and roles of local government in Britain was given.
Students then engaged in their own debate around a subject matter of their choice – in this case it was euthanasia. The debate started slowly as students eased into the format but in no time at all it was roaring, lasting nearly a full hour before the students ended with a final vote on their position. There were some excellent and difficult points made and compellingly argued by all parties, and the team at the council commended our students on the quality of the debate.
The day finished with a gorgeous spread provided by Lancashire County Council, where all our students were joined by County Councillors who spoke to them about local and national politics, the intricacies of running for office, the demands of the job and so much more.
Overall, the trip was a roaring success, and we will be making more visits to County Hall and their amazing facilities in the months to come… Watch this space!
It’s a political minefield out there. It’s your job to make sense of it all – not only do you go on trips, but you even get to join in debates and attend our very own Question Time, how’s that for a Party? A Level Politics is a two year course which will give you the opportunity to study the changeable values of British Politics. Students who enjoy and successfully complete this subject typically progress onto a range of degree courses at university including Law, PPE, and Journalism.
Published by: MU