Congratulations to all our Runshaw students who received their Year 1 and Vocational Awards today! More photos to follow.

We were delighted to welcome our students and their families to celebrate the achievements over the last 2 years – first for our Year 1 A Level, T Level and Vocational students celebrating the first 12 months of study, and then for our Year 2 Vocational students. Not forgetting our wonderful compères – Head of Studies Lucy Turner and Paula Gardner, and Assistant Principal Matt Barr, and our Principal Clare Russell, who introduced the evening’s celebrations.

All their tutors are extremely proud of their achievements, it’s always sad to say goodbye to our students who are leaving us, but we wish them every success for their future careers. We would also very much like to thank our course teams for the outstanding levels of teaching and support they have provided to our award winners and all of our students this academic year.

Thank you to all who attended today – here’s to the Class of 2024!

Year 1 Awards 2024 Year 1 Awards 2024