University of Warwick endorse Runshaw A level Classics Remote Learning Resources.
Francesca Grilli, CIT Leader for A Level Classical Civilisation, has collaborated with The Warwick Classics Network and Classics for All initiative to support both GCSE and A Level Classicists studying from home during this period of remote learning. The series of over 40 videos, produced by Francesca, cover the entire Greek art specification and were first rolled out on Instagram earlier this year as a way to engage students within their preferred channel of communication as well as to consolidate content that they had studied in class that week. However, the videos ended up not only being popular with students but the wider public and are now available on the Runshaw Classics YouTube account as well as being marketed and housed on the University of Warwick’s website – click here.
The collaboration is set to continue over the coming months. We are delighted that Runshaw has been able to contribute to the education of students and members of the public all over the country at this challenging time.