Counselling offers a place for you to talk about any difficulties that you might be facing in your life, either at college or at home. There are no issues that are too big or too small and you will not be pressured to talk about things that you do not want to.
The Counselling service is professional and confidential and you do not have to let anyone know that you are coming to see a Counsellor. Counselling does not try and tell you what to do. Instead, it will help you work through the difficulties you are facing and find your own answers to try and help the situation you are in.
We offer a range of counselling approaches, from Person Centred to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Solution Focussed. The Counsellor will tailor the support provided to your needs.
Making Appointments
Where: The Counselling team is located in Safeguarding and Wellbeing Hub, Mardale, M301 (across from the Programme Office).
When: Counselling Appointments are available between 9am and 4:30pm Monday-Friday. Appointments can be scheduled around your timetable to fit in with your needs.
How: You can contact the Counselling team in a number of ways:
- Call 01772 642058
- Email
- Drop into Safeguarding and Wellbeing Hub in Room M301
- You can request an appointment by visiting your Student Portal and clicking on the MY section
If you have any further questions or you would like any more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the contact details provided and someone will be happy to help you with your query.
Many of the details provided here will be talked about in your first appointment and there will also be an opportunity to ask any more questions.
The majority of things that you talk about to your Counsellor will be kept private and confidential within the Counselling team. However, there are times when we may need to break this Confidentiality and let someone else know the position that you are in. These include:
- If we believe that you are in danger of harm
- If we believe someone else is in danger of harm
If these issues do arise then they will be handled with the upmost care and respect and we will always try and talk to you about it first. If we ever do break confidentiality, it is done with the best intentions and in the hope of improving your quality of life and the protection of others.
Some of our Counsellors are BACP Accredited
The Runshaw College Counselling Service is a BACP Accredited Counselling Service and some Counsellors are also BACP Accredited. It strictly adheres and is subject to the BACP’s Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions. View our Mental Health Leaflet For Student and Parents here.
Runshaw’s Counselling Service Commitment to Accessibility
The Counselling Service aims to ensure it is fully accessible to the whole college student population. Feedback is actively sought via focus groups, in-year surveys and customer satisfaction surveys, and informs our action plan, which is reviewed regularly. If you have any comments you would like to feedback to us, please contact us via email on: