Our Future Scholars Programme for Year 10 pupils is designed to provide challenging and thought provoking sessions for students from our Partner High Schools who want to extend their learning outside of the school curriculum. This gives students the opportunity to stretch themselves and explore different subjects they may want to pursue in their future.

CR-4773 Maths Challenge24 Pen Priory T1-7325

We’re thrilled to be able to offer a full programme of exciting and engaging Masterclasses for students with a passion for learning. These events will take place on campus being led by our fantastic course leaders. 

Please use the booking slots below to register your students for these events. 

PLEASE NOTE: this booking page is intended for the use of Teachers and Staff Members of our Partner High Schools. If you are currently a student, please speak to your subject teachers about the possibility of booking on to an event.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Schools Liaison Admissions Team below.