Above: Imogen & Tegan

Students on our Classical Civilisation course had lots to celebrate this week after completing online taster courses.

A huge congratulations to our first year Classical Civilisations students who have recently completed a six week online taster course in the language of Ancient Rome, Latin, run by the Classics for All educational charity.

Imogen (pictured with Tegan) also went on to complete a short course in Ancient Greek, immersing herself in the ancient world!

Congratulations also to Gioia, who has received a commendation for her entry into the Classics & Ancient History essay competition run by St Johns College, Oxford.

Well done everyone!

From left to right: Izzy Prescott, Lydia Grange, Gioia Iozzi, Amelia Cooke and Jess Lomax.

A Level Classical Civilisation is a two year course which will give you the opportunity to study a range of topics such as historical events and the culture of the Ancient World. Many students who enjoy and successfully complete this subject typically progress onto a range of degree courses including: Archaeology, Ancient History, English, History and Sociology. Find out more by clicking below.

A Level Classical Civilisation