There are five committees that are involved in the governance of the college. They are Audit, Finance & People, Remuneration, Search & Governance and Standards & Curriculum.

Committee membership is strengthened by the co-option of individuals with specific knowledge and skills.

Click on the tabs below for more information about the individual committees.

Note: certain minutes (and reports) are classified as ‘reserved business’ because of their confidential nature and are not available for public access.

The need to maintain confidentiality is reviewed annually by the Corporation.

  • Audit


    The Committee shall ensure that:

    • the internal control systems of the Corporation and any of its subsidiaries are adequate and monitored actively, independently and objectively in order to improve the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management arrangements
    • reinforce the independence and effectiveness of the internal, financial statements and (where appointed) funding audit functions
    • provide a sounding board for College management on issues of concern in connection with the college’s internal control systems
    • advise on the reliability of the College’s information systems
    • increase public confidence in the objectivity and fairness of the Corporation’s financial reports and in the quality of corporate governance
    • provide a medium of communication from the Corporation’s auditors which is not controlled by College management.


    The Committee meets once each term with its minutes and recommendations submitted to the following Corporation meeting.


    Michael Lowe (Chair), Martyn Lylyk, Gary Hall, Marc Balshaw (co-opted)

  • Finance & People

    Finance & People – Remit

    To ensure that as far as possible the Corporation remains financially viable, and that there is regular and sufficient monitoring of financial resources. In particular the Committee shall ensure that:

    • annual budgets for income and expenditure cash flow and capital expenditure are set before the beginning of each financial year
    • there is regular monitoring against these budgets
    • the Corporation adheres to the Financial Memorandum between itself and the Skills Funding Agency / Education Funding Agency
    • the Corporation’s financial assets are safeguarded
    • College accommodation, environment and other facilities, including information technology, are adequate, safe and well maintained, in accordance with approved facilities strategies.
    • The College has an effective strategy in place in relation to its People to support the delivery of the strategic plan.


    The Committee meets once each term, with its minutes and recommendations submitted to the following Corporation meeting.


    Simon Drew (Chair), Alison Watson-Bird, Portia Bailey Barrow, Diane Bourne, Louise Myers, Clare Russell, Danniella Sillence Benson, David Chamberlain (co-opted)

  • Remuneration

    Remuneration Committee – Remit

    • To review and advise the Corporation on its policy on executive remuneration and on the specific remuneration packages of senior postholders so as to:
    • ensure that senior postholders are appropriately rewarded for their individual contributions to the college’s overall performance; and
    • demonstrate that the pay and conditions of senior postholders are set up by the Corporation on the advice of a Committee which has no personal interest in the outcome of its decision and which gives due regard to the interests of the public, the financial health of the college, and the achievement of the college’s objectives.


    Simon Drew (Chair), Alison Watson-Bird, Richard Evans, Michael Lowe, Martyn Lylyk.

  • Search & Governance


    • to advise the Corporation on the appointment and reappointment of Governors and Co-opted Committee members, in accordance with the requirements of the Instrument and Articles of Government
    • to determine the recruitment process for the various categories of Governor and for Co-opted Committee members
    • to ensure that appointments are made appropriately, openly and on merit and are drawn widely from the community which the college serves, having regard to the need for continuity and freshness and for a range of skills and interests
    • to review and advise the Corporation on matters relating to the good governance of the college


    The Committee meets on at least two occasions annually with its minutes and recommendations submitted to the following Corporation meeting.


    Martyn Lylyk (Chair), Alison Watson-Bird, Simon Drew, Richard Evans, Michael Lowe, Clare Russell.

  • Standards & Curriculum

    Standards & Curriculum – Remit

    To monitor, review and implement the college’s quality framework to ensure that the highest standards are achieved in relation to all aspects of college activities.


    The Committee meets termly with its minutes and recommendations submitted to the following Corporation meeting.


    Richard Evans (Chair), Dominic Martinez, Graham Murphy, Ade Oladapo, Stuart Hide, Motunrayo Ainenehi (Student Governor), Sophie Brocken, David Grime (co-opted), Steven Haycocks (co-opted).