Our Year 1 A Level Media Students took part in an inter-class theory competition last week for the prestigious, lovingly crafted Baudrillard Cup.
This was the first time some of our students had ever given presentations and they did a fantastic job, well done Year 1!

The first year of A Level Media Studies focuses on introducing students to the main issues impacting on contemporary media. They will look at the production of media products and how audiences access and engage with it. Media Studies looks at the relationships between the traditional media (film, television, newspapers etc) and e-media, and students will participate in the close study of a number of media products.
Radio, Sound, Marketing, TV, Film… the media frenzy goes on. Read all about it now and click below for more. A Level Media Studies is a two year course and a dynamic and fast-moving subject that helps students understand the most influential aspect of modern life – the mass media in all its forms.