It has been an absolute pleasure to deliver Employability sessions to the International nurses at Chorley and Preston hospitals.
They have all presented themselves as positive role models for the NHS. Leaving their homes to live and work in the UK has been a brave step for the nurses, but they have all been eager to learn so that they can develop their skills to provide excellent patient care. They have worked well together, and it has been lovely to see friendships form within the groups and know that they can continue to build supportive networks for the future.
The Employability course covered lots of topics to help the International nurses develop important employability skills necessary for the workplace, and to feel more settled in the UK.
Topics included Communication skills, Teamworking, Self-management, Problem solving, Conduct at work and Leadership skills, as well as understanding cultural differences and characteristics such as language, laws, values, beliefs, food, behaviour, manners and common cultural phrases.
Feedback from the nurses
“The classes on culture and local language and phrases are really helpful, and communication classes”
“Learning from all 12 sessions was helpful, and I enjoyed the quizzes”
“All topics were useful, especially Culture, Communication and Teamwork”
“Employability skills, Telephone conversations and Teamwork were very useful and being able to apply in daily situations”
“All topics were useful, especially Culture, Communication and Teamwork”
“I enjoyed the videos. The handouts, books, TV show and suggestions will be helpful”
“The next group of nurses will benefit greatly on the employability course”
“I think your classes will be helpful for all nurses who come from abroad”
“Thank you – you made a fantastic atmosphere for all the classes”
“Thank you so much for encouraging me to communicate”