To end the term, our English, Classics and Modern Foreign Language students visited Haworth – home of the Brontë sisters – and Edge Hill University.
Students had a lecture from one of the experts at the Parsonage about Jane Eyre and the lives of the Brontë family, gaining a fascinating insight into how the experiences of the family were woven into the characters and stories within the work of the three sisters.
There was also a tour of the Brontë Parsonage, with a look at the rooms as they would have been for the family with many personal items that belonged to them. There was also free time to explore the village in which the sisters grew up in.
Our English students also enjoyed a visit to Edge Hill University to experience studying English at degree level. Students took part in a creative writing seminar, in which they were guided through the process of creating characters and their relationships using prompts and specific processes. The students did a fantastic job creating authentic and interesting characters to fit into a specific scenario. In the English Language session they explored the concept of social networks and how these influence a person’s language. They used Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a cultural example of what this actually looks like and it was a really engaging session into an area many of them had not learnt about before. In the final session, students were introduced to different genres and styles of Literature. From Jane Eyre, to Shakespeare and then more locally, poetry about Martin Mere. It was a wonderful way to end the term, and was a brilliant opportunity to see what life would be like there as an undergraduate.
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