Our Level 2 BTEC Engineering student Jasica Shah has been awarded the Achievement of Excellence award in recognition of her amazing commitment and passion in her studies.
As well as completing her Level 2 BTEC Engineering course, Jasica has achieved an Achievement of Excellence sponsored by Halfords. Jasica was given this award as a result of her passion and commitment to Engineering and her studies, as well as being a brilliant role model to her peers. As part of her achievement she has been gifted a tool box full of tools and top spec equipment!

Jasica has supported the Engineering department throughout the year at Showcase events and Open Evenings and has volunteered to support the college throughout the upcoming Subject Choice Day events. Jasica is continuing her work placement over the summer, before continuing with us next year for her Level 3 Engineering studies.
Her employers had great feedback about Jasica’s work, adding, “The best student we have ever had and we have had many! Very bright, very enthusiastic, she understood everything that was asked of her and asked all the right questions. Her whole demeanour was amazing!”
Well done Jasica, your attitude and commitment has been exemplary.